Michael Werner is pleased to present Vile Bodies, a group exhibition. Vile Bodies will be held simultaneously in both Michael Werner’s London and New York galleries.
The exhibition will feature paintings, sculptures and works on paper by Hurvin Anderson, Hans Arp, Georg Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, James Lee Byars, Aaron Curry, Enrico David, Peter Doig, Otto Dix, Jean Fautrier, Lucio Fontana, Jörg Immendorff, Per Kirkeby, Henri Laurens, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Eugène Leroy, Markus Lüpertz, A.R. Penck, Francis Picabia, Sigmar Polke, Peter Saul, Félix Vallotton and Don Van Vliet.
Vile Bodies opens on 11 July at Michael Werner Gallery in New York and 12 July at Michael Werner Gallery in London. The exhibition will remain on view in New York through 31 August and in London through 15 September. For more information please contact the gallery at