Published on the occasion of the exhibition James Lee Byars: The Path of Luck, 5 April – 18 May 1991 at Michael Werner Gallery, New York. Hardcover, text in English, 32 pages with 1 black and white and 5 color illustrations.
Not Available

Published on the occasion of the following exhibitions: James Lee Byars: Works from the Sixties, 4 November - 27 November 1993 and James Lee Byars: Recent Works, 2 December 1993 - 7 January 1994 at Michael Werner Gallery, New York. Hardcover, text in English, 56 pages with 9 color and 6 black and white illustrations.

ISBN: 1885013493
Published on the occasion of the exhibition James Lee Byars: The Rest Is Silence, 27 April - 24 June 2006 at Michael Werner Gallery, New York (in collaboration with Mary Boone Gallery and Perry Rubenstein Gallery). Velvet bound hardcover, text in English, 72 pages with 31 color and 5 black and white illustrations.

ISBN: 9781885013620
Published on the occasion of the following exhibitions: James Lee Byars: Q.I.I.T.R. T.F.T.I.P. T.S.T., 13 October – 10 November 2007 at Galerie Michael Werner, Paris and 14 January – 23 February 2008 at Galerie Michael Werner, Cologne. Softcover, text in French, German, and English, 44 pages with 13 color illustrations.
Not Available

ISBN: 9781885013651
Published on the occasion of the exhibition James Lee Byars: Five Points Make a Man, 7 February - 29 March 2008 at Michael Werner Gallery, New York. Softcover, text in English, 48 pages with 25 color illustrations.

ISBN: 9781885013965
Published on the occasion of the exhibition James Lee Byars: Early Works and The Angel, 17 January – 16 March 2013 at Michael Werner Gallery, London. Softcover in mylar wrap, text in English, 56 pages with 22 color and 2 black and white illustrations.

ISBN: 9781938809774
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Invisible Questions That Fill The Air: James Lee Byars and Seung-taek Lee, 21 September - 18 November 2023 at Michael Werner Gallery, London. Softcover in mylar wrap, text in English, 90 pages with 46 color illustrations.