"Dreigeteiltes Problem (Tripartite Problem)", 2011
Acrylic on canvas
63 x 78 3/4 inches
160 x 200 cm
RP 1129

"Eröffnung (Opening)", 2010
Acrylic on canvas
31 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
60 x 80 cm
RP 1128

"Zwischen zwei Welten (Between Two Worlds)", 2011
Acrylic on canvas
63 x 47 1/4 inches
160 x 120 cm
RP 1140

"Vorstoß (Advance)", 2010
Acrylic on canvas
63 x 47 1/4 inches
160 x 120 cm
RP 1125

"System - Problem - abstrakt (System - Problem - abstract)", 2010
Acrylic on canvas
63 x 51 1/4 inches
160 x 130 cm
RP 1122

"Wenn der Zufall es will (If Chance Permits)", 2011
Acrylic on canvas
23 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
60 x 80 cm
RP 1146

"Landschaft - Tag (Landscape - Day)", 2011
Acrylic on canvas
51 1/4 x 63 inches
130 x 160 cm
RP 1135

"Landschaft - abseits (Landscape - remote)", 2011
Acrylic on canvas
51 1/4 x 63 inches
130 x 160 cm
RP 1137

"Tiger im nächtlichen Dschungel (Tiger in the Jungle at Night)", 2010
Acrylic on canvas
51 1/4 x 63 inches
130 x 160 cm
RP 1123

"Im Fluss der Ereignisse (The Flow of Events)", 2011
Acrylic on canvas
63 x 51 1/4 inches
160 x 130 cm
RP 1134