Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern
"Theorie Zynus - ob Dämon der Vertrocknung und Verdörrung (Zynus Theory – whether Demon of Dessication and Withering)", 1953
Colored pencil on cardboard
28 3/4 x 20 inches
73 x 51 cm

Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern
"Der Mondamtsschimmelreiter (The Moon Rider Official on a White Horse)", 1956
Colored pencil on cardboard
28 3/4 x 20 inches
73 x 51 cm

"Prof. Narrgoistik", 1950 - 1952
Pencil, colored pencil on paper
12 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches
31 x 22 cm

"The Moralistic Three-Dimensional Moon Bride's Courting Derby", 1954
Colored pencil on paper
20 x 28 3/4 inches
51 x 73 cm

"The Mass Demon", 1954
Colored pencil on cardboard
28 3/4 x 20 inches
73 x 51 cm
FSZ 10

"The Jealousy Tragedy", ca. 1956
Colored pencil on cardboard
20 x 28 3/4 inches
51 x 73 cm
FSZ 22

"The Moon-Moralistic Veneration of the Artist's Bones", 1957
Colored pencil on cardboard
28 3/4 x 20 inches
73 x 51 cm
FSZ 24

"The Snake Seduction", 1955
Colored pencil on cardboard
28 3/4 x 20 inches
73 x 51 cm
FSZ 28

"Love Automat. Insert Gold, Money, Jewels, Pearls, Please Service", 1950
Pencil, colored pencil on paper
11 x 8 inches
28 x 20 cm
FSZ 37

"Trilogy of the Search for Truth", 1953
Colored pencil on cardboard
20 x 28 3/4 inches
51 x 73 cm
FSZ 44

"The People's Joyful Miraculous Shirt, or the Moralistic Scarecrow", 1955
Colored pencil on cardboard
28 3/4 x 20 inches
73 x 51 cm
FSZ 48

"Salutor - The Clown", ca. 1952
Oil crayon, pencil on cardboard
12 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches
31 x 22 cm
FSZ 43