"Café Deutschland VI – Caféprobe (Café Deutschland VI – Café-Rehearsal)", 1980
Acrylic on canvas
110 1/4 x 137 3/4 inches
280 x 350 cm
JI 377

"Erst wenn die Brocken fliegen werden wir uns beruhigen (Only when the rocks are flying will we be appeased)", 1978
Acrylic on canvas
59 x 59 inches
150 x 150 cm
JI 349

"Mahlzeit (Meal)", 1978
Acrylic on canvas
59 x 59 inches
150 x 150 cm
JI 350

"Delikado", 1978
Acrylic on canvas
59 x 59 inches
150 x 150 cm
JI 353/B

"Systemklemme (System Clamp)", 1982
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 59 inches
200 x 150 cm
JI 452

"Adlerhälfte (Half an Eagle)", 1982
Oil on canvas
35 1/2 x 27 1/2 inches
90 x 70 cm
JI 444/A

"5 Jahre Zeit (5 Years Time)", 1981
Oil on canvas
19 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches
50 x 40 cm
JI 402/A4

"Futurologe (Futurologist)", 1981
Oil on canvas
19 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches
50 x 40 cm
JI 402/B1
!["Kleine Ursache (Ost) (Small Cause [East])", 1981](https://img.artlogic.net/w_400,h_400,c_limit/exhibit-e/5e1f7ecca5aa2c6c639069eb/5223dc894d0bc5fb23d3d41a013740e2.jpeg)
"Kleine Ursache (Ost) (Small Cause [East])", 1981
Oil on canvas
19 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches
50 x 40 cm
JI 402/C1

"Systemklemme-West (System Clamp - West)", 1981
Oil on canvas
19 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches
50 x 40 cm
JI 402/B7

"Café Deutschland Teilbau 2:1", 1978
Gouache, dispersion on paper
16 1/4 x 11 1/2 inches
41 x 29.5 cm
JIZ 1997

"The Saints - Leda und die Schwäne (The Saints - Leda and the Swan)", 1984
Oil on canvas
59 x 78 3/4 inches
150 x 200 cm
JI 569

"Anbetung des Inhalts (Adoration of the Content)", 1985
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 98 1/2 inches
200 x 250 cm
JI 584

"Goldstück (Gold Piece)", 1984
Oil on canvas
47 1/4 x 59 inches
120 x 150 cm
JI 571/A